Advance confidently in the direction of your dreams.

Growing a business single-handed, a collection of articles and hopefully inspiration.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Six trends that signal change in all things aging and health

Six trends that signal change in all things aging and health


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Great Organizations for the Lady-preneur

Question: Name one organization that specifically helps female entrepreneurs find success and explain why they do such an amazing job.

Question by: Miya V.
The Crave Company
“I believe The Crave Company is great because it brings women entrepreneurs together in cities all over the world. The women who participate tend to range from work-at-home moms to small local business owners, all the way to startup founders. It’s amazing to see the cross section of ideas spreading in such a group.”
- Nathalie Lussier | Creator, The Website Checkup Tool

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Internet Marketing Training – 3 Simple Steps to Grow Your List with Blogging

Internet Marketing Training – 3 Simple Steps to Grow Your List with Blogging
