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Growing a business single-handed, a collection of articles and hopefully inspiration.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Things to know to Make Money Online

Posted by on August 30, 2013 | Reply

make money onlineWhile there are wonderful opportunities to generate wealth online, people continue to face problems achieving this. These problems are often attributed to information overload, unscrupulous gurus, and complicated technology.
Agreed, those are some of the symptoms, but they’re not the disease. These symptoms don’t just affect new marketers. I have seen people who’ve been at this online marketing game for a long time, and who do very well, but they suffer from these limitations. They have found something that works and they make money by scaling what works. But they are missing the concepts that could elevate them to the next level.

What are those concepts?

I know your mind instinctively may have gone to the various make money online tactics you would have seen in some book. There are plenty of books out there, and few offer real strategic principles, but even fewer offer things that can propel you to the top.
Most of them just do the job of motivating you enough to get you to leave your boss and becoming a business owner.
Being your own boss can be wonderful, but that can be a good thing only if your online business proves to be better than your boss. If not, you’ll end up with a feeling that your boss wasn’t that bad after all.

Concepts For A Successful Online Business

make money onlineAs you probably guess from the title, there are five concepts you must be aware of, in order to build a really successful online business.
* A product offering immense value
* Communication of that value through your site
* Visitors already looking for your product
* Leverage
* Focus
The first three are something many successful marketers focus on to make money online:

#1 – A Product Offering Immense Value

The core of our vision-based strategy is “cross-selling”— the process of offering customers the products and services they need, when they need them, to help them succeed financially. The more we give our customers what they need, the more we know about them. The more we know about their financial needs, the easier it is for us to work together for them to bring us more of their business. The more business they do with us, the better value they receive and the more loyal they become. The longer they stay with us, the more opportunities we have to satisfy even more of their financial needs. That’s the mutual benefit of cross-sell. ~ Wells Fargo
Although the above is a beautifully written bank strategy, it makes perfect sense in the marketing community.
This is the easiest, as long as you understand the definition of value from the perspective of your potential customers.
Not you.
It really doesn’t matter how “cool” you think a product on creating widgets is, if you try to sell them to people who don’t know anything about widgets or why they need to create them.
Remember – if your product solves the problem of 100% of the people, and 0% of the people care about it, it’s of no use to them and it just won’t sell.
make money onlineValue is defined as what people “want.”
Not what they need.
Not what you think they need.
Not what you think they should have.
Not what you think will make them happy.
Yes, there is another line of thought that says “make them want” your product, and to a certain extent this is possible. But it is time-taking and may as easily backfire if you don’t do it right, with unhappy customers “crying over spilt milk.” They will wonder why they bought your product in the first place. You don’t want that.
What do they want?
How powerful is their want?
The more powerful their want, the better your product will sell, and the happier people who buy from you are.
Your job is to fulfill that want in the best way possible. Making sure it offers value is the surest way to make money online.

#2 – Communicate That Value Through Your Site

Create a site that shows them what’s in it for them. Communicate the benefits. Don’t mistake features for benefits. You can take a look at the articles on our website that talk about this.
Here’s a definition: Benefits exist in the head as well as in the heart, and everything else is a feature.
Create an excellent sales page that shows things people perceive as benefits. Things that make them feel better. Everything else is fluff.
Your site should have great content that revolves around the goal of communicating to your visitors that you have what they’re looking for.

#3 – Visitors Already Looking For Your Product

make money onlineWhen you’ve convinced people that you can satisfy their longings (the deeper, the better) — then people will not only fall in love with and buy your products, they will become unstoppable evangelists as well. ~ Demian Farnworth via
This is the kind of traffic you need. This is the traffic you’re trying to find. This is the magic wand that opens up locked doors to a treasure not many can get their hands on.
This is where most marketers go wrong. “Any traffic is good traffic” is something they believe in and end up unsuccessful.
Irrespective to what your product is, it’s important to create a plan to find and attract people who already want your project. Make sure what you spend in getting them to your site is less than what you’re going to profit from selling your product.
This is easily done if you have created a product that has a huge demand, and you’ve already identified the sources you’re going to be driving traffic from.
Watch your “visitor value.” You need to see the income generated on an average, for every person visiting your website. You must see which traffic source is sending people who buy from you. Use analytics and do the math to ensure you make money online.

#4 – Leverage

The ability to share a message with a few and have it reach the many has never been so available. As marketers we have to start thinking about exponential reach. ~ Jolina Pettice via
This is a simple concept. This involves getting better results from a specific effort than what you would normally get.
For example, if you write an article and submit it to different ezines. If people like it, you will get decent traffic from it. That’s a good thing.
But how can you make it better?
* Create a small report and offer a small article. Tell readers to visitor your website for the report and tell them to go there. Offer it as a bonus for subscribing to your list.
* Include a link to your product in your article and give it to your affiliates to use on their sites or mailing lists.
These are just a couple of examples. You can do it several ways.
Whatever you create, think of ways how you can use it in different ways to get more for your effort.

#5 – Focus (To Make Money Online)

make money onlineBut the landscape evolves faster than ever. In the field of marketing, the lines will continue to blur. The tools and tactics we rely on will continue to change. The need to focus on the customer will not. ~ Barry Feldman via
I don’t need to explain this to you. We’ve discussed this many times.
Anyway, I’ll say it again – Focus means desperately wanting something, so every action of yours should answer the question: Am I moving closer to what I want faster than other methods?”
Focus is what separates the successful marketers from the “almost” successful people.

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