it. Create content. Forget it.
I need not spend precious hours starting over, or learning a new
opportunity, or product, or service, inside out. Nope. I can simply
create and allow advertisers to do the work for me. I help, I create
value, I solve problems, and the income flows in to me, without any
fiddling on the back end.
If you are struggling to make money with your blog, or heck, if you are just struggling to make money at all....this post is for you!

how quickly your life would improve if you opened 11 income streams
through your blogging efforts? If you are feeling pinched – or outright
disgusted – by your financial situation it is time for a change. You
know my story. I have fleshed it out. Broke joke to prospering online
business entrepreneur. Struggling, miserable, fired security officer to
swashbuckling, island-hopping, tiger-taming world traveler. I did it.
You can do it too.
you are frustrated with your blogging career, if you are lost on
figuring out how to effectively monetize your blog, if you crave
financial freedom more than you crave, um, breathing, if you dream of
spending more time with your family or friends, or if you want to live
in Phuket for 4 months like I did, or if you want to live in Bali for 3
months like me, do this: embrace the idea used by happy, healthy,
wealthy people the world over.
do wealthy people become wealthy? Easy. Wealthy people create value to
receive value. This is easy enough to understand but the problem arises
when dwelling on the idea of how to open income channels. Sure, you are
creating valuable blog posts. Each one solves a problem. Each one
provide readers with a tangible, workable, practical solution to some
pressing cash gifting, Peoples Program, hostmonster, hootsuite,
affiliate marketing, mlm issue.
You are solving problems but you ain’t getting paid. Frustrating as hell. I have been there. I remember seeing my Adsense tab for the month; $7. Or $2. Add
a few cents for a little more salt in the wound. Boy was I pissed. My
fault. Totally. I had AFSOI: a few streams of income. Not gonna cut it.
Why? Each income stream generally takes at least a few months to yield
The Programming Effect
you noticed how TV commercials program you? How radio songs program
you? In no time, you are singing along with the catchy tune or catchy slogan.
You have been programmed on a subconscious level by the message being
conveyed. You hear it. Again and again. Over and over. Repetition
creates patterns. You cannot help but to be influenced by a persistent,
consistent message which vibes with you.
Your blog is no different. Some readers soak up your content and
purchase hostmonster hosting through
you. Today. They have been effectively programmed. Other readers need a
few days, or weeks, or months, to become programmed by your value, to
make the purchase. This is why income streams develop gradually, slowly.
Patience, grasshopper. $60 here after a hostmonster purchase, a few
bucks there after a solid nRelate day, a few more bucks after a
hootsuite buy.
Then, somebody hires me out –
ghostwriting style
– and I bag a quick $140. Somebody joins my Peoples Program cash
gifting team; sends me a $125 pledge. Somebody signs up for sponsored
tweets, referencing me. A few more ducats. I accept a sponsored post:
$100. Can you see how multiple streams of income add up?
in a few extra streams: Chitika, writing paid guest posts for an SEO
company, Google Adsense, paypal donations, and VigLink(for my blogger
blog), and you have a serious inflow of cash heading your way each
month. Increasing online business income streams forces you to think
abundantly and abundant thinking and feeling people tune into abundance
effortlessly. I admit though, I screwed up in this department.
The Most Insidious Block to Monetizing Your Blog
I do not want to be sales-ey!
This type of insanity is code for: “I
am nice,
comfy and broke, so why add streams of online business income to my
life if it means being criticized…..and being free too?”
who criticizes you for selling lacks the balls to sell, or is unclear
on their venture, on some level. A millionaire might criticize your ad
set up, or the fact that you are promoting so many opps. This means that
said millionaire is unclear on their choice of business, on some level.
Do not let it bother you for too long. You deserve to get paid. Carry
The 2 Step Process
Create astoundingly intense, resource-style, in-depth value. The
content is the money-generator, the pump-primer, the straw which stirs
the monetizing drink.
2: Choose channels through which to prosper. Each channel should be relevant to your blog.
content inspires people to buy. The channels give people the chance to
buy. Easy 1-2 punch here. But the content must be really, really, really
informative to make your ads clickable. Focus on creating good content.
Problem solving content. Follow up by opening channels. Say “screw you”
to people who have an issue with how you choose to make a living.
do not stand outside of corporations, complaining about office workers
collecting a paycheck. So, how I choose to make money online is none of
these critic’s business, correct? If another blogger questions how I
monetize I blog, they question themselves. They display lack of clarity
in what they do, online business wise, or cash gifting wise, or
affiliate marketing wise. Always a reflection of what you feel within,
your feelings have nothing to do with other people.
Why Monetize Your Blog?
would you want to monetize your blog? Well for starters, you might as
well write a diary for yourself, if you plan to spend countless hours
building a blog and community without expecting any monetary reward. As Gordon Gecko said, what’s worth doing is worth doing for money.
helps you have more, do more and be more. Money can be offered through
philanthropy. You can help people who have little money by generously
supporting causes which help people to empower themselves. That sounds
good to me, right?
you can hang out with monkeys in Monkey Temple, Kathmandu, Nepal, like I
did a few days ago, if you effectively monetize your blog…
is kind of tough to travel the world, or pay bills, or take care of
loved ones, or visit monkey temples, or eat, or sleep in comfort,
without money, so if you are going to spend thousands of hours providing
value, building a blogging community and helping people, you might as
well make money blogging.
OK, on to ideas. Incidentally I monetize through each of these channels on this blog (save VigLink which is on my blogger blog).
1: The Peoples Program Cash Gifting
I wrote a rocking post about
The Peoples Program cash gifting a
few days back. Perfect way to open a passive cash flow stream through
your blog. No selling. No recruiting. Share and prosper.
can also share TPP through social sites; Facebook, twitter, wherever.
Monetizing your blog takes effort but you should add as many passive
streams as possible. Like, post an ad, explain how you can prosper
through the activity, write a review, and…..prosper.
Gifts flow to you online or offline. The private activity dictates that you choose how to prosper.
2: Google Adsense
good old Google Adsense. Use GA to develop a purely passive income
stream through your blog. Absolutely, positively no work on your end.
Place ads. Write content. Google matches ads based on what you write
about. Some tweaking might be necessary; check out your metrics, and
adjust accordingly. But overall this is a purely passive income stream.
Wonderful way to monetize your blog.
note; to get approved create good, valuable, practical content for a
period of weeks. Google has a rep to uphold; if your blog is ad worthy,
and this should be no problem if you are doing your job, creating good
content, Google will approve you.
time someone clicks on a Google Ad you will be paid anywhere from a few
cents to a few dollars. As you can imagine the clicks and cash add up
over weeks, months and years.
3: Ghostwriting
you are blogging you might as well blog for money. Meaning, offer your
ghostwriting services to busy or lazy bloggers. Help your fellow blogger
generate cash online on auto pilot. Write usable, helpful content for
your clients. Bloggers can publish the content under their name,
generate leads, pull in ad revenue and you will be paid for your
ghostwriting services.
$25 for a 500 word post. Or more. Bump up to $35 or $45 an article
after gaining some experience in the ghostwriting game. Advertise your
services through a blog page. Like. Here:
Ghostwriting Services
is a fun and easy way to help bloggers and get paid handsomely. I
suggest offering bulk articles; bloggers will rarely see appreciable
returns by hiring you out for an article. Offer 4, 500 word articles at
your rate. If bloggers desire you to write one article, make it a 1000
word piece. Like the model who said she does not get out of bed for
anything less than $10,000 an hour…well….you will work for less, but if
you are spending 30 minutes or more creating a 1000 word article you
better get paid at least $70, or, looking at that $140 rate for a full
hour. NEVER undercharge, EVER!
4: Sponsored Posts
I am excited to announce I landed my first sponsored post last week.
Heineken selected
me to promote their campaign. I accept the offer along with a quick
$100. Not a bad deal. One note; landing sponsored posts is easier if you
create truly epic content. Big money businesses want to associate with
reputable bloggers who bring it, on the
content creation side of things.
Also make sure that the post vibes with your blog’s message. I
am about pushing yourself to your limits. The campaign matched my message. Good match. Publish. Monetize.
Where can sponsors find you? Heineken found me via
Post Joint. Sign up for an account. Set up your profile. Allow the guest blogging and sponsored post opportunities to flow to you.
5: Hootsuite Affiliate
than suggest “affiliate marketing” which can be a confusing piece of
advice I want to offer you specific opportunities. People need tools.
People need to save time. People need to leverage their presence. Sell
on the affiliate side, offering
hootsuite pro through your blog to solve these problems and monetize your blog.
course, pony up and buy the product – and use it – before you promote
the service. Sell only what you believe in. Sell only what has solved
your problems. Monetize your blog from an ethical, high energy,
prospering space.
6: Hostmonster Affiliate
I also use and sell
hostmonster services.
Why? Because I have been impressed with HM’s reliability, professional
support and overall presentation for the past 4 years. I also desired to
open another income stream through my blog. So here we go.
marketing opportunities fit seamlessly into your blog. Think about it;
if you use a product already why not write a simple review and get paid
for your efforts? Why not spread the word, help people solve their
problems, and prosper? After asking many fellow bloggers about their
hosting solutions more than a few were fed up. Enter hostmonster.
OK Time for a Rant Break
more tips for now…..I got to thinking about the masses of bloggers who
fail miserably. I thought about talented, driven, focused bloggers who
make a pittance through their blogging efforts. What holds this crew
FEAR TO SELL! Instead of *not wanting* to be like a salesperson how
about wanting to help someone? Change your perspective. Change your
life. You see, instead of bothering someone, or bugging someone, or
selling to someone, you are HELPING someone through your affiliate
somebody is disgusted with spending 3 hours each day manually updating
to over 50 groups between Facebook and Twitter you darn well better
believe these folks will be helped, and relieved, by using a tool like
hootsuite pro. See? I
am helping you. This is an honorable, but karma generating type deal here.
the masses of struggling bloggers are allergic to money and
opportunity. They FEAR selling instead of having FAITH in the fact that
they are helping someone with a pressing problem by offering a product
or service.
Change your perspective. Your selling is helping. OK, rant done

To make us both feel better, please observe me, chilling by Monkey Temple in Kathmandu, with my Joe Cool shades. Thank You.
7: Sponsored Tweets
not tweet for money? Why not place an ad on your blog sharing this opp
with readers so you can get paid for offering a valuable service?
Sponsored Tweets advertisers find you, pay you, you tweet.
simple means of monetizing your blog is a quick and easy add on to your
current blogging income streams. Sign up. It takes like a minute to do.
Sit back. Allow advertisers to find you. Payment through paypal.
Not much to expand on here. Just
sign up
8: nRelate Related Posts
you see my related posts thumbnails below my posts? Excellent. I signed
up as an affiliate with nRelate. The service posts related pieces of
content to your blog and you can choose to add advertising as well. Of
course you get paid for advertising their ads.
up. You have nothing to lose. You will only be directing readers to
related posts and getting paid for posting 1 little thumbnail by your
related posts.
9: Paypal Donations
I stumbled upon this idea after reading
Steve Pavlina‘s
blog yesterday. Smart guy, Stevey P is, because he knows that setting
up a simple donate button on your blog can boost your cash flow.
readers will want to express their gratitude through a cash gift. Make
it easy for readers to donate by setting up a donation page.
Like this.
Nothing fancy here guys. If people find your work helpful offer them the option to show their support.
10: Chitika Ad Networks
the large ad posted mid-post? Chitika time. These ads are similar to
Adsense. Simply post to different spots on your blog and get paid per
Ads will be relevant to post content. This ensures that you will attract targeted, hungry to click viewers to your posts.
Click this ad to sign up:
11: Viglink
concept. You sign up and VL links up through relevant text. Example; in
the post I linked to I noted “Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones” as
being an absolute God-send during my 17 hour flight from New York JFK to
Bangkok. So, Viglink links up to advertisers through the word, “Bose”.
hands free, totally passive. You write the content and the service
links up to appropriate advertisers through your text.
The Money Maker
content. Your content drives cash flow. If people like what they see,
they come to know, like and trust you. If people trust you they click on
your ads. This generates some blogging revenue for you. If people join
up after clicking your ads you just generated more revenue through
blogging. Content is the real driver. Create good stuff. Then busy
yourself with creating as many income streams as humanly possible, and
really there is no limit.
Your Turn
Are you struggling to make money blogging?
How many income streams have you opened up?
Please Share This Post on All Your Social Networks!
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Ryan Biddulph
The Peoples Program
Phone 908-315-5482
Skype ryan.biddulph2
PS.....Stop waiting. Act on. Monetize your blog.
Click Here