Advance confidently in the direction of your dreams.

Growing a business single-handed, a collection of articles and hopefully inspiration.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Importance of Storytelling in Marketing.

Do you understanding that there is a need to tell great stories about your business? The reality is that your audience is bombarded everyday with irrelevant information that they don’t want or won’t use.
Most businesses struggle because their audience can’t hear them through all the noise. Have you ever tried having a serious conversation in a loud nightclub or concert? Did you get your message across?
First thing you must do is stop talking to your audience and start having a conversation. In other words TELL don’t SELL.
The best way to do this is to bring your business alive through storytelling. Stories work because they engage, whether it’s the Aboriginal Dreamtime, the Ancient Greeks which their myths and fables or the complex story lines of Shakespeare, we remember and believe stories. Great stories connect the fabric of our society through generations. Stories, told well and to the right people can do wonders for your business.
Our brains are hot wired to assemble bits and pieces of experience and mould them into stories. Telling stories has been and will remain a fundamental communication method, why aren’t you using them in your business?
  • change the way we think, feel and act.
  • create awareness and inspire everything from understanding to action
  • establish legend and break down barriers
  • capture our imagination and make things real in a way that cold hard facts simply won’t.
  • start an experience and allow the audience to relate in a  personal way.
An engaging story will take potential clients through a 5 step process.
  1. start a conversation
  2. create a personal emotional experience
  3. influence and motivate
  4. stimulate Action
  5. encourage the audience to share
Have you been told to humanise your brand? Well, telling stories are a great way to do is. Why bother? Simply to become more likeable and more appealing to your audience.
Stories will define your business or brand in a way that supplying facts and figures and lists of features will never do. You’ll know your on the right track when your audience starts sharing their stories with you. Now you’re communicating on a whole new level.
Next time, we’ll talk about how to write a good business story. In the meantime, have a look at your communication over the past 6 months. How many good stories have you told?
Remember, get active, get clients!
As always comments are welcome and encouraged.
Roy West

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